Committee Roles:
- To provide leadership and direction to the committee so as to facilitate the work of the Orchestra in pursuing its vision, mission and strategic direction within the committee’s terms of reference;
- To see that the committee’s business is conducted in an orderly fashion and to ensure that members obtain a fair hearing;
- To ensure that the work of the committee is consistent with its agreed remit and terms of reference and that issues of interest to the wider organisation are appropriately referred;
- To ensure the committee does not take decisions outside its authorised powers;
- To ensure decisions taken by the committee are clear and unambiguous, and that responsibility for taking forward action points is properly allocated. This includes the formation of sub-committees where appropriate
- To consult with other committee members and provide advice and support;
- To ensure that decisions represent the collective views of the committee or (in exceptional circumstances when consensus cannot be reached) a majority view;
- To determine in consultation with the committee secretary on the content of meeting agendas, the order in which items are taken and the amount of time to be devoted to each;
- To monitor the implementation of agreements and action points from previous meetings;
- To undertake ad hoc work as the chair of the committee (e.g. through the provision of advice and attendance at other relevant meetings & events);
- To support, on completion of the term of office, the incoming chair through the provision of advice and de-briefing;
- To direct any person to be excluded from a meeting for any item of business, for example, on grounds of confidentiality or a conflict of interest;
- To take decisions by chair’s action in any matter which, in his/her opinion, is urgent, routine or not of sufficient importance to justify the calling of a meeting;
- To report chair’s action to the next meeting of the committee.
- In terms of Chair’s action, the committee should agree the circumstances in which it will grant delegated authority to the Chair to act on its behalf between meetings. Action taken under delegated authority will normally consist of business that would not have merited discussion at a committee meeting such as the approval of minor / routine matters. Occasionally, matters may arise which are judged too urgent and important to await the next meeting of the committee and the Chair then has the option of calling a special meeting, consulting the members of the committee by correspondence, or dealing with the matter by chair’s action. The chair should be careful not to take decisions by chair’s action where it is inappropriate to do so, not to exceed the scope of the delegated authority granted by the role and to ensure the committee are kept fully informed.
- To lead on all matters involving the safeguarding of the orchestra and its members.
Deputy Chair
- To assist and support the current Chair in undertaking their duties and responsibilities.
- To work with the Chair in undertaking specific tasks from time to time, e.g., the formation of a small sub group to help progress a matter or the delegation of a specific item from the Chair to the Deputy Chair as appropriate and with the agreement of the committee.
- To deputise for the Chair when necessary.
- To step up to the role of Chair as interim Chair in the first instance, should the current Chair resign or retire and hold that position until the following AGM.
- Approximately a fortnight prior to a Committee Meeting or AGM, an announcement should be made to the Orchestra of a forthcoming meeting asking for items for the agenda.
- A fortnight prior to a committee meeting or AGM, a notice should be placed in the orchestra newsletter of the forthcoming meeting, again asking for items for the agenda.
- A verbal and written announcement of an EGM should be given similarly a fortnight before the meeting or with as much notice as is possible.
- The agenda for a committee meeting, AGM or EGM should be agreed between the Chair and Secretary and then sent to committee members a few days prior to the meeting.
- The Secretary should take minutes at committee meetings, other additional meetings of the orchestra committee, AGMs and EGMs.
- The Secretary should, with the Chair, count and record votes, as necessary, at committee meetings, other additional meetings of the orchestral committee, AGMs and EGMs.
- After approval of the draft minutes with the Chair, these should be published in a timely fashion to the committee members. The minutes of committee meetings should be in a format that indicates specific agreements of the committee and jobs allocated to people.
- The draft minutes should be published in the next available orchestra newsletter.
- The Secretary should be the depository for letters and emails directed to the Orchestra and other matters such as lists of concert programmes, programme notes from the past and lists of materials held by the orchestra. These should be maintained and made available on request to committee members and others.
- The Secretary should also write miscellaneous letters/emails on behalf of the committee as agreed with the Chair.
- Manage and prepare the accounts.
- Ensure the ongoing financial viability of the orchestra.
- Submit an annual tax return to enable the receipt of Orchestra Tax Relief.
- Chase up membership subs.
- Make payments, including the annual PRS return.
- Set up the orchestra's insurance policy.
- Keep an orchestra asset register.
- Ensure that the accounts are scrutinised in the manner required (independent examination or audit) and any recommendations are implemented.
- Make a formal presentation of the accounts at the AGM and draw attention to important points.
Web Manager
- Maintain the website.
- Prepare the weekly newsletter.
- Manage the group email facility.
- Receive new member applications by email and forward them to the membership secretary, conductor and section leader.
- Receive and respond to any general enquiries to the orchestra.
Membership Secretary
- Maintain an accurate list of members and their contact details and report any significant changes to the committee.
- Maintain the waiting lists for each section and liaise with section leaders as necessary.
- Ensure compliance with General Data Protection Regulations regarding storage and use of members’ details and ensure that confidentiality is maintained.
- Assist with the recruitment of new members where necessary.
- Assist with the recruitment of extra players for a particular piece/concert where necessary.
- Make email contact with new members of the orchestra to welcome them and introduce them to some key people (conductor, chair, treasurer).
- Welcome them, in person, at the first possible rehearsal and check that they have settled in.
- Be a first point of contact for new members and deal with any questions/ problems new members have.
Project Manager
- Represent the Endcliffe Orchestra in its reaching out to local communities and the city with a musical project.
- Build relationships with local communities, agencies and organisations as appropriate by networking, establishing partnerships, joint initiatives or informal social events with a view to extending our musical offer to and with local communities.
- Develop specific musical initiatives, including those from members, outside people and organisations, acting at all times with the agreement of the Conductor and Committee.
- Prepare, plan and co-ordinate each project with clearly defined goals and outcomes. Provide adequate costing and resource implications, identify possible funding streams and risk assessments. Track the progress of each project against established timelines.
- Deliver each project on time, and within budget. Provide an evaluation on completion of each project to the Conductor and committee.
Marketing Manager
- Take the lead in discussions with the Conductor and committee regarding the development and execution of an effective marketing strategy for the orchestra with the aim of raising the orchestra’s profile and audience numbers.
- Ensure the orchestra has effective and consistent branding across all marketing communications including websites, social media and other forms of advertising.
- Co-ordinate the orchestra’s social media accounts on a regular basis curating content and scheduling posts, reporting on events and sharing photos and videos as allowable.
- Ensure that promotional photos and videos are taken and then stored appropriately in an image library.
- Be pro active seeking opportunities to publicise the orchestra, including the use of members’ stories and successes.
- Design and produce marketing materials.
- Initiate and contribute to fundraising events as appropriate.
- Ensure the capture and use of all data complies with the Data Protection Act and General Data Protection Regulations.
- Act as the orchestra’s Classical Sheffield representative, receiving and acting upon all of their communications and keeping the Conductor and committee updated in a timely fashion.
Concert programme and publicity co-ordinator
- Liaise with the Concert Manager regarding the creation of a poster/ flyer and tickets. Seek approval from the committee for any proposed designs and have them ready for printing 1 month after the previous concert.
- Ask for a further version of the poster to be created suitable to be used as a programme cover.
- Solicit an estimate for the printing of the posters/flyers and tickets, liaising with the Concert Manager regarding numbers and the Treasurer regarding the costs involved.
- Have the finalised poster and ticket design printed 6 weeks after the previous concert and collect them when ready.
- Distribute the printed posters to the orchestra immediately after they have been collected. Use the sign-up sheet to ensure good distribution.
- About 6 weeks before a concert, start gathering information for the programme as follows:
6a. Get information about the sponsored charity and create appropriate copy and graphics for the second page.
6b. Gather information about the running order and get programme notes from various contributors.
6c. Distribute player lists to the section leads, and ask them to update them for the current concert. Hound them until they do so.
6d. Update biographies for the conductor, the leader, and any soloists.
6e. Gather any information about upcoming events, including the next concert, to create announcements for the back cover.
6f. Input all the information, and format the programme for printing.
- 2 months before the concert, circulate the draft programme to the committee for proofreading and fact checking. Incorporate any suggested changes and reach an agreed final design.
- 4-6 weeks before the concert, solicit an estimate, send the programme for printing and pick it up for delivery.
- If the poster, ticket and programme printing has been paid for in advance, submit a receipt to the treasurer for reimbursement.
- Liaise with the conductor to arrange any additional players and musical equipment needed for each concert.
- Maintain lists of possible extra players.
- Maintain lists of people to hire or borrow instruments from.
- Liaise with section leaders to select players.
- After liaising with the conductor, communicate rehearsal plans and advise players of suitable rehearsals to attend.
- Arrange for the sending and collection of written music.
- Advise the concert manager regarding logistics for each concert, including the transportation of equipment to and from the concert venue.
- Notify extra players of any specific concert requirements.
- Negotiate fees with the orchestral treasurer and arrange for payment details to be exchanged.
- Manage the orchestra’s music library, ensuring that the orchestra is supplied at the right time and the right place with the correct music.
- Liaise with the Music Director/conductor and section leaders to ensure that the required material is annotated appropriately for distribution to the orchestra in time for the first rehearsal.
- Liaise with music publishers, libraries and other orchestras to ensure timely availability and delivery of music materials as determined by the programme and the conductor’s requirements.
- Ensure the music material is collected, checked, packed and returned at the appropriate time.
- Be available, when necessary, at orchestra concerts and rehearsals and supervise the distribution of new music and the scores for the conductor in consultation with the Music Director/conductor and Leader.
- Be responsible for the cataloguing and maintenance of the orchestra’s stock of music ensuring that it is recorded and stored appropriately.
- Contribute to the setting of the budgets for music hire and purchase and be responsible for identifying the best deal for music hire.
- Be responsible for liaising with the Treasurer to allow authorisation of invoice payments for music supplied to the orchestra.
- Generally, advise the committee on library issues and participate in the management of the orchestra’s business.
Concert Manager
- Ensure the smooth and effective running of all concerts.
- Liaise with the Booking Manager to ensure a chosen concert venue is booked at least one year before the concert date.
- Liaise with the Concert programme and publicity co-ordinator regarding the design, printing and distribution of publicity material, tickets and the programme for each concert. All publicity material should be approved by the committee.
- Liaise with the Concert programme and publicity co-ordinator regarding design the design and printing of tickets and with the treasurer regarding costs.
- Liaise with the conductor regarding the layout of the orchestra in the concert venue. If necessary, visit the venue with the conductor in advance.
- Three months prior to the concert liaise with various volunteers who help with small tasks, e.g. flowers, desk lights, folders, ticket sales, programme distribution, refreshments, transport, setting up at the venue and other tasks as may arise.
- Report to the committee on progress and any issues arising.
- Contact the concert venue with regard to the key holder, arranging timings on the day of the concert (setting up, a rehearsal, clearing away afterwards) and any special requirements.
- Secure a cash float for ticket sales for the day of the concert from the Treasurer.
- On the day of the concert brief volunteers for front of house duties, provide a running order of the programme to all members, liaise with the refreshment volunteers and recruit further volunteers as required to set up and clear away.
- Be the ‘go to’ person on the day of the concert for any questions or issues arising.
- Pass concert ticket sales money to the Treasurer.
- Give notice of any lost property.